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Passing time ...


"One day I woke up very early and, with a cup of coffee in my hand, I started to think about how unprepared I was for the passing of time. It seems to me that yesterday I was young. But no, time has passed and I wonder where those years have gone? I know that I have lived them, and I keep memories of them full of projects and hopes. And suddenly, to my surprise and without further ado, fall entered my life. My friends are retired and, like me, move more slowly. The years are beginning to be felt. Some people of my generation feel pretty good, others less, but what is certain is that we are all starting to suffer."

This is the reality of what we have to live in this new stage. We begin to have pain, to lose our strength, our agility and we feel weak to accomplish tasks that we used to accomplish quickly. Now we are these old people, the ones we looked at from a distance and who seemed so different from us. That's why we need to take advantage of the present time to still do everything we love. We must not delay too long. Life passes by very quickly.  So, live today, give yourself time to do what you've always wanted and take the time to tell your loved ones how much you love them.

Life is a gift from God, so we have to live it well, enjoy the pleasant things and be happy, and remember that going out is good, but coming back is better

Dear friends, especially to those who are already living the fall of their lives like me, I wish you all the good that you deserve and may the Lord continue to accompany you on this beautiful pilgrimage that is life !!!!!



LAI Coordinator for Latin America