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Wishes of the President of LAI for 2019


With all my heart, on behalf of the Executive Committee and on my own behalf, I wish each and every one of you and those who are dear to you, a good and happy year 2019: good physical, psychological and spiritual health, that difficulties or annoyances of daily life do not affect your joy of living, that of the believer who knows himself loved by God; may this joy help you to create happiness around you.

And in the continuity of what has been said at the International meeting in Santo Domingo, may this word of the Pope Francois who wishes "a church that defies the culture of waste by the overflowing joy of a new embrace between young people and the elderly"1. accompany you.


Monique Bodhuin

President of LAI


1 « Quand vous priez, dites notre père » éditions. Bayard p.117