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Let us pray for the peace in Ukraine and in the world

with le Mouvement Chrétien des Retraités (MCR)  of France

MCR Paix

















"2 minutes to 6 p.m.": an initiative of the MCR to live communion among ourselves and with God, to become actors of peace, all generations combined, praying together with the words of Pope Francis at 6 p.m.

Instructions for use and calls.

The document to download below includes the text of Pope Francis' prayer on the front and the practical arrangements on the back.

Let us point out the calls that will allow this moment of prayer to function durably:

1. Publicize the approach

The printing of the document opposite can allow a wide sharing in community or with relatives, with or without Internet or telephone.

Some parishes have already included this prayer proposal on their sites. It's up to everyone to see...

2. Record the prayer in audio

"A different voice every day to guide prayer" assumes that many people get to work with the dictaphone they have on the Smartphone and may never have used before; but the trial will be fruitful, with or without help – a great opportunity to discover the tools that we almost all have, and if not, record with someone, with two voices, perhaps!

To download the user manual, click here

printable in 2 x A5 double-sided for sharing