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In Benin, we have chosen to meet in a brainstorming workshop to contribute to the process through the following two thematic areas:

  1. Listen: thematic area 2
  2. With other religious confessions: thematic area 7

The approach followed made it possible to mobilize most of the seniors during the exchanges and to collect their written contribution so that everyone participated effectively in the reflection. With the know-how of two communicators and the expertise of a moderator, the seniors became interested in the exercise.

The methodological approach consisted in recalling the content of the cluster with some comments before the exchanges themselves.

Thematic area 2: Listen

The Preparatory Committee of the Synod wrote the following:

Listening is the first step, but requires having an open mind and heart, without prejudice. To whom does our Church particularly “fail to listen”? How are the laity listened to, especially young people and women? How do we integrate the contribution of consecrated men and women? What place does the voice of minorities, the marginalized and the excluded occupy? Are we able to identify the prejudices and stereotypes that stand in the way of listening to us?  How do we listen to the social and cultural context in which we live? 

Contribution of Vie Montante Benin

The floor was given to some seniors of the Vie Montante Benin and it emerged from this not frequent exercise that the time devoted to listening to the elderly and retirees is never wasted time.  The open-mindedness and heart that characterized the exchanges freed everyone from prejudices on the one hand and really facilitated listening on the other.

The lack of listening of which the Church is particularly accused is towards those who reject her and refuse to listen to her, those who do not share Christian ideals, those who "flee" the messengers or bearers of the Good News.

But as we well know, for there to be listening, there must be a "Transmitter" and a "Receiver". But when the "Transmitter" is failing and the "Receiver" is confused, then what to do?

In Benin, young people and women are listened to especially when they play an important role in certain institutions of the Church. When they are animators of catechesis, of the liturgy, responsible for the movements of young children, they put their dynamism and commitment at the service of the Church.  The discouragements often observed and which come to blunt the dedication and ardor of young people and women are linked to the failure of the competent structures of the Church to take into account their existential problems. Indeed, the Church's charitable organizations are not always well equipped to respond to the demands and obligations of women and the youngest.

What is meant by the contribution of consecrated persons, men and women? Here the word contribution poses a problem of semantics. Nevertheless, by translating it into teaching, and training, received from consecrated persons, we can affirm that their impacts are real.   

Minorities, the marginalized and the excluded exist under all the heavens and in the different circles. They consider themselves victims of different forms of discrimination, as the preparatory document of the synod well recalled. They are discriminated against because of their gender, their social class, their religious affiliation, sexual orientation, geographical position, disability or ethnicity. The victims are mainly among young people who only want to be recognized, to express themselves and above all to be listened to because most of them feel that the Church does not care enough about their personal situation. The marginalized demand a rapprochement with the Church, which must listen better to them, welcome them, offer them opportunities for dialogue and hospitality.

The lack of knowledge of the other, the non-respect of his choices, the non-understanding of his life and his actions, are very serious obstacles to listening to him.

The solution approaches tested in Benin have focused on the social pastoral care of the clergy, on charitable organizations and on the mass media.  

Thematic area 7: With other religious confessions

The Preparatory Report of the Synod declined for Thematic area 7 the following indications:

Dialogue between Christians of various confessions, united by a single baptism, occupies a special place on the synodal path.  What relationships do we have with brothers and sisters of other Christian confessions? What areas do they concern? What fruits have we reaped from this "walking together"? What difficulties too?

Contribution of Vie Montante Benin

With other religious confessions, we can rephrase by writing: Walk together with other religious confessions. In Benin, there are many of them, but the one with whom the Catholic Church walks together is the Protestant Church and the effort of Christians to achieve institutional unity is between Christians of these two confessions. It is in this context that the week of prayer for Christian unity takes place every year in Benin in January. The week of prayer for Christian unity is an occasion for Eucharistic meetings and celebrations or worship to manifest this desire for unification. And to achieve this goal of unification, we must talk to each other, listen to each other, know each other and understand each other.

The President of the National Steering Committee of Benin