Opening of the year at Vie Montante Belgium
It was yesterday ...
On Monday, August 22, we were 41 members present at the little sisters of the poor (home Saint Joseph) for the presentation of the year brochure whose theme is HOPE. It was a day of reunion, warm encounters and sharing that ended with a Mass in the sisters' chapel.
We explained to our members how the preparation of the brochure was going. The preparatory meetings in Belgium and Switzerland and the working week in Alsace in the spring and then we commented on several chapters and the choice of certain texts.
In the early afternoon, Father Ronald Maton took the floor to share with us his conception of the relationship between God and men through two diagrams detailed in his two books The God in Love (volume 1) and The Joy that Remains (volume 2).
During this day the year booklets were distributed to the diocesan responsible and leaders of groups present for the day.
President of Vie Montante
Excerpt from "Sérénité" (October-November-December 2022)
Retirees ‘Day
On October 6, the Feast of pensioners of Vie Montante took place at the Cathedral of Saints Michael and Gudula in Brussels. Monsignor Jean-Luc Hudsyn, Spiritual Advisor of Vie Montante agreed, to our great joy, to preside over the celebration. The musical animation was entrusted to the group GPS Trio.