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Letter from the Spiritual Advisor of South America


Dear friends of Vida Ascendente

Today I begin the novena of preparation for the World Day of Grandparents and Elderly People that we will live on Sunday, July 25 for the first time. With this letter, I wish to convey to you all my joy and my thanksgiving to God who is always with us and always guides us with his hand.

I remember all the years spent walking with Vida Ascendente, I see so many faces and so many places that were stages of this journey where the Lord called us, the meetings and publications that allowed us to know each other, to help each other, to exchange experiences.

I see the gift that God gives us through Pope Francis, so close to the excluded of the world, aware of the reality of grandparents and the elderly, in this society that is globalizing in indifference. The Pope calls us to this World Day to make visible our presence in the family, in society and also in our Church.

These days of preparation will not be enough to give thanks for this tenderness that God has towards us. It will be necessary to do a great thanksgiving day after day, so that our prayers and our actions go back to the Father who inspired this Movement and who is with us every day.

On Sunday the 25th we will be very close despite the distances, during my Mass I will associate myself with all of you and everyone in the world who live the gift of a long life, this Vida Ascendente that we love so much.


Father Osvaldo Montferrand

July 15, 2021