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The Day of July 25 in Benin


The Episcopal Conference of Benin has given a warm welcome<to the institution of the World Day of Grandparents Elderly by the Holy Father, which was celebrated for the first time on 25 July 2021.

The Episcopal Conference took this opportunity to solicit the support of all the faithful during a special solicitation to help the Immaculate Conception Radio of Benin in its project to repair the pylon which will allowthe coverage of the national territory. Indeed, Radio  Immaculate Conception is the radio most listened to by the elderly in Benin.

The first day of grandparents and the elderly was celebrated in some parishes by all the faithful and in others by the members of the parish sections of Life Ascending who, after the Eucharistic celebration, met to exchange on all the documents received from Life Ascending International as part of this day. Activities continued with the sharing of agapes and enjoyments.

Commitments have been made for a more elaborate celebration of the second day which will take place on the last Sunday of July 2022.