Spiritual Post of the Month
When the winter wind reigns......
February: Candlemas and Valentine's Day, Six Nations Tournament, Pension Reform and Winter Holidays, Ash Wednesday and Our Lady of Lourdes, War in Ukraine and Inflation, "Breakthrough of Yellow Wine" (“Avancée du vin jaune”, Popular festival in the French Jura ) and "Trans Jura" on skis in the Jura, and... and also, in our MCR teams, these views on "what reigns in my life and around me... ». Yes, God our Father, may your Kingdom come through all these events of this short winter month!
May your Kingdom come, as happened a little more when Jesus, at the age of 30, retired as a carpenter to offer his time and his word to whoever meets him, invites him, talks to him or simply passes by his side!
May the retreat not be for us the adoration of the goddess Laziness or the god Leisure, but like a Sunday which lasts every week!
May it be to us like that seventh day of creation when, like God seeing all that he had done, it is given to us, too, to see a little how good this is (Gen 1:31).
Our years of work have been useful for us to earn a living (and pay for the retirement of our elders!), but they have also given us, by doing what we had to do, to make ourselves internally, to become what we are, what "we" we can still offer!
When the winter wind reigns, that through us, Love reigns!
Yes, this Easter season will come to span our Good Fridays and bring them to the Breath of Pentecost!
Armand Athias
Diocesan Chaplain of Jura