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Representatives of Life Ascending International write to us:


In these times of pandemic, the Asia Coordinator sends us this message:

Dear sisters and brothers,
I hope you all are healthy and confident during this pandemic raging time. It provided us with a good opportunity to reflect on our life. God must have some important message to reveal us .

The COVID-19 reminding  us that the world is small , we are all connected , we need to look after and help each other , cooperate to face  the common issue .
This type of situation have happened many times in history , it will go , and might come again , if we don’t learn the important lessons from it -how we live in harmony with God's creation ?

We need to meditate on it .
Bible tells us , our body is the temple of holy Spirit we should  take good care of her . We can use this opportunity to cultivate a healthy lifestyle, it can strengthen our immunity.
God loves you and your family, peace be with you all !

Sincerely yours
Abraham Lee
Coordinator Asia


October 1st a date not to be forgotten for Life Ascending International

This is what Susana has asked all the presidents of the movements of the Coordination for South America.

While hoping that the message will find all members healthy, it recalls this important date for all of us, inscribed in the agendas, so that each country celebrates it, according to its customs and traditions.

"Certainly, this year we won't be able to celebrate physically," she adds, "but we will definitely be able to meet and share in a virtual way.

Susanna Zonni

South America Coordinator