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In prayer union with the young participants of the WYD in Panama


Thousands of young people, many from Central America but also from other continents, are present on the soil of the Republic of Panama to participate in World Youth Day (WYD); on 22 January this year, the Archbishop of Panama presided over the official opening in Panama City and Pope Francis joined the pilgrims on Panamanian territory.

That the members of Life Ascending, distributed in various places of our world, join the prayers of young people participating in WYD; let us pray for them, but also for those who, while staying in their country, also participate in WYD.                                     

Let us confide to Santa Maria La Antigua, Patroness of Panama, the difficulties of the youth of Central America marked by poverty and instability; I give you this commentary of Cardinal Gregorio Chavez, auxiliary bishop of San Salvador, read in the French press: In our countries, the dreams of our young people are shattered by violence by the lack of opportunities, the temptations of the drug trade, in an atmosphere that poisons bodies, minds and hearts. "

Let us entrust to the Lord the youth of Central America, but also of the whole world, so that their dreams will not be broken; that our prayer manifests our will not to shut ourselves up in indifference, that our prayer is a step on the road to the fight we must lead against injustice.

And let this prayer go up to the Lord: "We want to look with gratitude at the past that has made us what we are and to testify to the young, we take up with courage and openness the difficulties inherent in the present of our societies, and which suffers a part of the youth, and, in hope, we want to build, young and "old" together, a future every day a little more in line with the project of God ".


Monique Bodhuin

President of LAI