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At the end of this ninth international meeting we leave, the spirit enriched by the contributions of the speakers, the heart enlarged by the happiness of having experienced moments of conviviality, exchanged smiles and words of friendship: so many reasons for action of grace.

Let us express our sincere gratitude to Marta for serving LAI for the past 4 years.

Let us go in joy to this mission of evangelization to which we must respond; together we are working to "make humanity new again".

Let us pray for each other so that everyone knows how to accomplish this mission with conviction and determination, without giving way to discouragement when facing obstacles.

Let us be proud to belong to LAI, a movement that is not an innocuous association since it is in the name of Christ that we meet.

Let us unite our talents and our energies, to develop, according to the culture and local specificities, a pastoral of the elder

Let us witness by our life and our actions the message of love of Christ, to our grandchildren to make them discover the treasure of the faith.

Let's associate our wisdom of elders with the enthusiasm of youth to build the future of the Church.

Let us build together a world more in keeping with God's plan by denouncing the scandal of inequality and poverty, as "Laudato si" calls us to do.

Monique Bodhuin