Meeting the elderly in Cameroon
A local LAI official provides us with data on the situation of the elderly in his country
In Cameroon, the elderly lives very poorly, isolated and rejected by society. They are often accused of being witches or vampires during their adult lives. They are frequently widows or singles without legitimate children. They sometimes live on crumbs that they pick up on their way or at the market, or even steal in the fields.
Family ties can be severed, either because of older people’s behavior towards family members or because of extremely difficult family living conditions.
Most often they have no visits, even from their closest neighbours. Their nights are very long as they go to bed with the sunset.
In case of illness, if they do not have children who can help them, they have no help from society or even,sometimes, from a neighbour. Having firewood remains the priority for her.
No social assistance is allocated to the elderly.
Only older people employed in the private sector or the public service can claim a pension. Sometimes the person even dies without being able to benefit from this pension because the case has not been successful because of the length of the follow-up and the complications encountered during the proceedings. When the case is successful, the pension is paid once a quarter to each retiree until his death.
Regarding their spirituality, the elderly pray at any time, having nothing else to do.
Catholics recite their rosary all day long. Muslim women recite the 6 daily prayers, but they can sometimes recite them up to 10 or 15 times a day.