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The role of the elderly in the Church in Romania

"Our faith is our life"  Bishop Iuliu Hossu, Bishop martyr beatified

Victoria, head of the Association Viata Ascendenta,  gives us a testimonial

In the Greek-Catholic Church in Romania, the elderly have made and still make history. We support our Church which has suffered and is still suffering. During the almost 50 years of communism we were not allowed to go to church; 2,208 churches were confiscated, many were not returned, even after lengthy trials.

The bishops were arrested, tortured, died in communist prisons because they refused to renounce their faith. Pope Francis, on the occasion of his visit to Romania this year, beatified the seven martyr bishops: Valeriu Traian Freniu, Vasile Aftenie, Ioan Suciu, Tit Liviu Chinezu, Ioan Belan, Alexandru Rusu, Iuliu Hossu. The Holy Father gave them as examples of faith, fidelity and sacrifice. They are our model of Christian life and prayer. Some elderly, contemporary of these holy martyr bishops bear witness to the Catholic faith.

The elders are present in all the actions organized by the parishes of our dioceses: ecumenical meetings, consecrations of new churches, masses, ordinations of priests, first communion of grandchildren, catechism, pilgrimages , nights of vigil, etc.

We are pleased with the action of some priests who undertake to build new churches in place of those confiscated and, at the same time to bring back to the Church the elders who lived outside for a very long time.

Before the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, we experienced in Oradea similar terrible moments when the upper part of the Diocesan Palace, (a true jewel of baroque architecture), caught fire, the causes of the fire still remaining unknown. We hope that God will continue to stand with us as He has done so many times.