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The Holy See has clearly stressed the relevance, necessity and importance of supporting the global immunization campaign that will be conducted throughout the year, for which he issued two important statements: "Moral Reflections on Vaccines Prepared from Cells from Aborted Human Fetus" of the Pontifical Academy for Life and «Note of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the Morality of the Use of Certain Covid-19 Vaccines» of December 21, 2020.  


The discussion on the use of COVID 19 vaccines is  part of a very intense public debate,  during which  "fake news"  and absurd conspiracy theories poison some Catholic circles.   The massive use  of the vaccine in all social institutions is vitally important for the future of humanity.

In light of all of the above, the Latin American Academy of Catholic Leaders held an International conference to echo the Position of the Catholic Church to promote and collaborate in the global immunizationcampaign, based on a multidisciplinary approach to the problem to be realized from the Church's social doctrine,  medicine (infectology) and social sciences.  


(Document received from Goyita Boyd, ex-Continental Coordinator for Latin America)