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Susana, coordinator for the countries of South America takes news of her members

and gives confidence in the future


Hello dear friends from Argentina and Latin America.

I hope this email will find you all healthy. I pray that no member of Vida Ascendente will be lost. What is happening all over the world, and more particularly in our countries, is very sad. Thanks to social networks and television, it can be seen that many European countries have already opened their borders to tourism. On the other hand, we are still locked up for fear of contagion and for not having been properly vaccinated. What is happening is unfortunate and although we can communicate thanks to new technologies, we all know that it is not the same as face-to-face meetings, where there is closeness, friendship and spirituality that brings us together. characterize and which we so much need.

In the Gospel of Sunday, June 20, Saint Mark tells us about the great storm that broke at sea. The disciples were filled with fear and called on Jesus for help. Even today, we are in a great storm, and we feel very frightened, suspicious, alone, sad and dejected, because this disease extends beyond our bodies and it seems to us that even the Lord has abandoned us. But He is always there, by our side, taking care of us so that nothing bad happens to us.  We must continue to trust in the Lord who told us, «I will be with you until the end of the world."  

We must therefore continue to trust.

Susana Zonni