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October 1st Day in Colombia


Dear Susana, Continental Coordinator and Father Oswaldo Montferrand, Continental Councillor of Vida Ascendente,

On behalf of Vida Ascendente Colombia, I express our gratitude for your messages on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of the movement, today, October 1st. They encourage and guide us in our activities, and we greatly appreciate them, especially in these times of pandemic.

This afternoon, in "face-to-face", we will celebrate in prayer to the Lord, with gratitude and affection, and through their respective actions, the life and work of three spiritual advisors of the movement who have entered the House of the Lord. The first, Colombian, Father Gabriel Arias Posada, for whom the 20th anniversary of his martyrdom will be celebrated next year and who was co-founder of Vida Ascendente for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as part of his responsibility as Executive Secretary of CELAM. The second, the Jesuit Gonzalo Amaya SJ, also Colombian, our advisor in Bogotá, and the third, Father Antonio José Velásquez, Venezuelan, who, from the family ministry of CELAM accompanied the elderly with Vida Ascendente. The last two died from the pandemic.

During the night, we will virtually meet our brothers and sisters from Vida Ascendente, from Mexico to Uruguay via Zoom, according to a habit taken in our countries with the special encouragement of Vida Ascendente Peru. We will thank the Lord for so many good things received and we will ask for you, for the other leaders and members of the Movement on the continent and in the world, that on the occasion of the worldwide celebration of this day we be united in prayer and joy.

May the Lord bless you through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Clemencia O. Rodriguez G.

Vida Ascendente Colombia