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In France, schoolchildren find their way back to school... And after what is called, in this country, the summer truce, everything, here, has an air of re-entry. For me, LAI does not escape this rule: here's the Back-to-school newsletter.

I address, with very sincere pleasure, my friendly greeting to you and all, LAI leaders and members, who live beyond the  continents and the oceans...I share with the members of the Executive Committee and the editorial team of the website the joy of meeting you for a new time of exchanges and digital meetings.

This letter reminds you of this very liturgical time that was the feast of the Assumption, with a text of reflection by Bishop Maupu, a meditation extracted from a homily of Benedict XVI transmitted by Susana Zonni, and the evocation of a cultural and cultic tradition in Poland.

This letter contains a mail about the prevention of sexual abuse, signed by Cardinal Farrell, prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life: let it hold all your attention.

You will find important information for the Life of the Movement:

- the reminder of the day of October 1st; Tell us about the initiatives you have taken to "celebrate" World Seniors Day

  - the announcement concerning the International Congress on the Pastoral Care of the Elderly to be held in Rome; you may have been informed by the Episcopal Conference of your country; I warmly invite you to join. It is this congress that will feed our next newsletters; I refer you to the notification you received recently which invited you to present your initiatives on two themes ("how to meet the expectations of marginalized seniors" and "the role of elders in the Church"); we count on your cooperation.

While, during the last two months, the world has been mourned by horrific attacks and sad events (fires ravaging our "common home") we must keep hope in a better world. May this hope dwell in you and may the Holy Spirit make fruitful the year ahead.


The President

Monique Bodhuin


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