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"I had a dream," says God...

            God's "dream" is to share everything that makes his life and makes him happy with his children. This shared life has a name that sometimes scares: it is holiness. Yes, God dreams for us that we were holy.

            To make this dream come true, God sent prophets to his people, such as Moses and Elijah. Finally, he sent his own Son to show the way to holiness.

            The path to holiness is to follow this son, Jesus. Two precepts, which make one, are an essential beacon on this path of holiness: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart" and "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." These two precepts are both a commandment and a promise. A commandment because they are a perfect summary of the law given by God to Moses; and a promise because they are expressed in the future: "You will love," with my help, you will love...

            In a letter, Pope Francis recently echoed the call to follow Jesus on the path of holiness. So that we do not confuse holiness with sadness or constraint, he has given this title to his letter: " Rejoice and Be Glad." The Feast of All Saints' Day can be an opportunity to read or reread this letter (Apostolic exhortation of March 19, 2018).

            On the path to holiness, we do not move alone. Together with our Christian brothers we form a people called by the Father. Our Life Ascending groups are all cells of this people. Supporting each other, we "climb" the path of life and holiness.

            To each, I repeat the words of Pope Francis: "Do not be afraid of holiness, it will not take away your strength, nor life, nor joy."

+ François Maupu